

One of the most complex art forms, is metal engraving, which will be presented today at Museo del Arte Contemporaneo, in a room dedicated to a Colombian artist that has made Panama his home and artistic environment.

Local and internationally recognized, the work of Alicia Viteri, though is divided in series is characterized by a surprising continuity in technical research, is constantly directed towards experimental activities and the perfection of a style.

Her first series is dedicated to an exotic motive –“The insects”- It's subject matter is becoming bolder and her insects -now with hands legs and human behavior- are human beings that convey a sense of intimate anguish, almost loving in the expression of its ugliness transformed into beauty.

The series "Character" with their faces deformed or transformed into mere obscurity, it’s a satirical game in which the artist delights. Reversing the poetical order towards the material and not to the human adorning his characters with  delicate lowers, gorgeous ties, while disguising their grotesque figures with fancy hats or solemn poses.

Late in the seventies Alicia Viteri creates a self portrait that "I'm destroying to take out a series called “Mummies”. It's about one plate which I made from a one tied elemental figure...". Working in a single sheet of zinc, the human figure is printed on the same sheet in different positions, creating couples, groups, crowds. In the final engraving of the series the sheet is destroyed and applied as intaglio.

In this world of loneliness and delusion works from a vigorous art are emerging, en which the domain of sophisticated techniques and formal composition marks a masterfull stage on the evolution of Alicia Viteris engraving.

Angela de Picardi